Trusting the Universe in Savasana...
Don't judge me or judge me
Love me or hate me
Let me or don’t let me
Need me or don’t need me
Want me or don’t want me
Practice with me or don't practice with me
I AM with or without your perception of me
I AM that which you may not see but feel
I AM unconditional to your thoughts and mind
I AM unconditional to the state of your vine
I AM acceptance
I AM giving
I AM your moment of trusting and surrendering...
So don't judge me or judge me
Love me or hate me
Let me or don’t let me
Need me or don’t need me
Want me or don’t want me
Practice me or don't practice me
I AM with or without your perception of me
I AM...
"Trusting the Universe in Savasana"
by Yogini Shahda